
We work with every electricity wholesaler in the UK, and thanks to the realtime pricing agreements we hold; we are always able to give you the best prices available on the market, at any given time!

What is an MPAN number?

Example MPAN number

A Meter Point Administration Number, also known as MPAN, Supply Number or S-Number, is a 21-digit reference used in Great Britain to identify your electricity supply point. These can be found on your electricity bill/invoice.

Non Half Hourly meters (NHH)

The majority of SME businesses are supplied on monthly or quarterly tariffs, and are referred to as non-half hourly meters. The MPAN prefix for these meter types range from 01 to 04. If your meter still has a prefix of 05 to 08 please see our P272 section for more information. It's important that you have the right type of meter for your business and you are also on the correct tariff, so you don't pay more than you need to for your electricity.

Your profile class will give suppliers an idea of your consumption patterns and your efficiency at using the energy you consume. This in turn is reflected in the rates that you will be charged.

Half Hourly meters (HH)

Half hourly metering gives you accurate information about how much energy you're using, and is identified by the prefix of 00.

Half hourly meters are linked to a communications device that allows the data to be accessed remotely. By using this data you can identify ways of making significant energy savings and carbon reductions. Half-hourly (HH) metering allows your supplier to split energy consumption into 30-minute blocks. This gives your supplier an accurate picture of your energy use. Half-hourly metering allows us to offer you a tailored deal.

The annual cost of your electricity contract is much more than just the wholesale cost of electricity. On commercial supply contracts, "wholesale energy" accounts for as little as 40% of the total price, the rest being made up of a multitude of other charges, including Availability, DUoS, Triads, BSUoS, AAHEDC, renewable obligation, meter operations, data collection and data analysis are just some of the charges that need to be considered to ensure you are getting the best value. An incorrect supply contract could be costing you thousands.

Whether your strategy is fixed or flexible, Proline Utilities will provide clear and simple advice, providing tailored products that suit your company requirements.

Green Energy

Renewable or Green electricity is energy produced form natural renewable sources, including:

  • Solar
  • Wind
  • Wave
  • Biomass

Many suppliers will now offer green energy cost neutral to brown energy, which can include a certificate for your business as evidence of efforts to reduce your carbon footprint.
P272 is the industry name of the mandatory regulatory change for electricity meters in classes 05-08 (often called Max Demand Meters) that affects over 100,000 UK businesses. From 1 April 2017, these meters will be billed in a new way. Currently, your supplier bills are based on a single read, giving your supplier your annual consumption, which is then subject to an industry-agreed calculation based on your meter class.

Since 5 November 2015, every customer who renews or starts a new contract with a new supplier will have their energy use recorded half hourly and used in 'settlement'.

It applies to all businesses in profile classes 5-8 and who have an advanced meter installed. It's up to the supplier to take all reasonable steps to ensure that businesses in profile classes 5-8 are supplied through advanced meters. This has been the case since April 2014.

Look at the Meter Point Administration Number/Supply Number on your electricity bill. If the first (two-digit) number in the box to the immediate right of the 'S', is 05, 06, 07 or 08, then the changes apply. Otherwise, if the number is 01, 02, 03, 04 or 00, it does not. If your meter is still has a prefix of between 05 and 08 this will result in sites being migrated from non-half hourly meters (NHH) to half hourly meters (HH), and enable suppliers to produce more accurate bills.

To discuss your electricity requirements, please give Proline Utilities a call on 0151 558 0191 and one of our energy experts will be happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

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